What to Do If Lead-acid Batteries Cannot Be Charged After Unused for a Long Time?

If a lead-acid battery cannot be charged after being unused for a long time, there are several steps you can take to try to revive it.

Initial Inspection and Cleaning

  1. Visual Inspection: Check for any visible damage, such as cracks, bulges, or leaks. If the battery is physically damaged, it should be safely disposed of.
  2. Clean Terminals: Corrosion on the battery terminals can prevent proper charging. Clean the terminals with a mixture of baking soda and water, using a wire brush to remove corrosion.

Attempt to Charge

  1. Slow Charging: Use a smart charger or a low-amperage charger to slowly charge the battery. Fast charging can cause further damage to a sulfated battery.
  2. Desulfation Mode: Some chargers have a desulfation mode specifically designed to break down lead sulfate crystals. Use this mode if available.

Electrolyte Maintenance

  1. Check Electrolyte Levels: In flooded lead-acid batteries, check the electrolyte levels and top up with distilled water if necessary. Do not overfill.
  2. Equalization Charge: For flooded batteries, an equalization charge (a controlled overcharge) can help balance the cells and reduce stratification.

Testing and Further Action

  1. Hydrometer Test: Use a hydrometer to test the specific gravity of the electrolyte in each cell. This can help determine the state of charge and health of the battery.
  2. Load Testing: Perform a load test to see if the battery can hold a charge under load. If it fails, the battery may need further intervention or replacement.

Advanced Techniques

  1. Desulfation Devices: Use a desulfator, a device that sends high-frequency pulses to the battery to break down lead sulfate crystals. This can sometimes restore some capacity.
  2. Chemical Additives: Some products claim to revive lead-acid batteries by adding chemicals that dissolve sulfation. Use these with caution and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.


  1. Professional Assessment: If all else fails, take the battery to a professional for assessment. They may have specialized equipment to revive it.
  2. Recycle and Replace: If the battery is beyond recovery, ensure it is properly recycled and replaced with a new one.

Preventive Measures

  • Regular Maintenance: To avoid future issues, regularly charge and maintain the battery, especially if it is not in use for extended periods.
  • Battery Maintainer: Use a battery maintainer or trickle charger to keep the battery charged when not in use.

Taking these steps can often revive a lead-acid battery, but it’s important to remember that sometimes a battery that has been left unused for too long may be beyond recovery and will need to be replaced.


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