Which One Is Better, 16BB or 9BB in Solar Panel?

The choice between 16BB (busbars) and 9BB solar panels depends on various factors such as efficiency, cost, and application. Here are some considerations to help determine which might be better for your needs:

9BB (Busbar) Solar Panels

  • Efficiency: Typically, 9BB panels offer improved efficiency compared to older 5BB or 3BB panels because the smaller and more numerous busbars reduce electrical resistance and shading losses.
  • Cost: 9BB panels are generally less expensive than 16BB panels as they use less silver in their construction.
  • Availability: 9BB panels are more common and widely available in the market.

16BB (Busbar) Solar Panels

  • Efficiency: 16BB panels can further reduce electrical resistance and shading losses due to even more busbars, leading to potentially higher efficiency.
  • Durability: The increased number of busbars can improve the panel’s durability by distributing mechanical stress more evenly across the panel.
  • Cost: These panels can be more expensive due to the additional manufacturing complexity and use of more materials.


  • Performance: 16BB panels may offer slightly better performance, especially in situations where maximizing efficiency is crucial.
  • Price: If cost is a significant concern, 9BB panels might be more cost-effective while still providing good efficiency.
  • Durability: If long-term durability and reliability are critical, 16BB panels could be a better choice due to their improved stress distribution.


  • For most standard residential or commercial installations, 9BB panels offer a good balance of efficiency and cost.
  • For high-efficiency requirements or specific applications where performance and durability are paramount, 16BB panels might be the better option.

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